Create WOW Service
Oct 12, 2023This sounds really blanket, but just hear me out. Create Wow Service.
This is like the number one activity. You take down today and you write the life of lead to close. What is your process? What are your touch points? When you send a text message, you send an email, you send a thank you note, when the appraisal comes in, automatic email comes out from movement, all every touch point. Okay? Now I want you to then look at it. And create your ideal life of lead to close because you're missing things. So John Wager, I'm gonna give credit to some of the people who I've talked to.
John said he empowers his team that during the process, they have to identify one gift for that client. So he's like, I will pay for it. You identify at any point in time one thing we need to send to them. It might be they're so stressed out. They need a thanks app breakfast at Starbucks and they can send a fax and have breakfast on me. Maybe they need to send them to night...