How to Earn $1,500 in 5 minutes

Oct 30, 2023

Presented by The Reverse Mortgage Team

George Vrban, Harlan Accola, Dan Hultquist

“On todays call we heard from our retirement Mortgage specialists on how to create a referral for them in 5 minutes which could net you $1,500!”


  • Reverse mortgages are the single most neglected tool in financial Planning
  • The lead conversion factor is the most important thing 
  • Every Day we have 10,000 people turning the age of 62 that can potentially qualify
  • Average loan size is $160,000 
  • No seasonality for reverse 
  • Q4 is historically their biggest Quarter 
    • Tax planning for end of Year 
  • Have personal By in as an LO


George Urban 

  • Get invested in the product and process. 
  • start with what’s in it for them 
  • Trigger words for an FP
  • Intro Script
    • “Have you ever used housing wealth as an Financial Planning tool?  We have an expert in these cashflow and tax strategies that specializes in Financial Planning. Do you want to attend a webinar or have a conversation with him to learn these strategies to help your clients increase their wealth and save money on their taxes?”


How to engage 1st meeting 

  • Script Idea
    • “Have you recently learned how to use your homes equality as a financial planning tool through reverse mortgage? I have an expert that can help explain and show how the process works.”
    • We want the Financial Advisor on the call not the client
  • Financial Advisors are concerned with how to save money on taxes for their clients 
  • Focus on Referral Partnerships
    • We can also refer people to them! 
  • Scripting → Hand off 
  • simplify the process 
  • George and the team will set the appointments and work to earn their trust 
  • Ask your Agents for their Financial Advisor
  • Script for asking your agents
    • “Hey before we get off the call, do you have an Financial Advisor you work with?”
    • “We have retirement mortgage specialists that I would like to get them in touch with.”
    • Tell an impactful story or example